Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A reminder that if you would love to have some cheerleaders root you on or share in your weight loss journey, please let me know and I would be happy to spotlight you and link up on this page!!

I first wanted to spotlight a friend of mine who has lost 75 pounds now! Isn't that INCREDIBLE!?? She is so dedicated to her weight loss and is looking INCREDIBLE so far. I love her weekly weigh in posts and how real she is with the struggles and triumphs of weight loss. 

Cheryl is incredibly motivating! She is a workout wonderwoman--which I love to see. I definitely couldn't keep up with her, that's for sure! :) But she gets me thinking of ways to get moving. 

So go check her out--leave her a little lovin'! And let's link up!!! Come know you want to! :)

1 comment:

C Smith said...

Hey Rachel..just say this. Thanks! I am still plugging away trying. Somedays I hate it...but change is happening. Thanks for all your inspiration and support.